Ralph Imoberdorf

Ralph Imoberdorf è socio del team Corporate e M&A e del team Employment dell'ufficio di Zurigo di Altenburger.
Presta consulenza a start-up, PMI e società quotate in borsa in materia di diritto commerciale e societario, M&A, finanza aziendale, operazioni straordinarie e diritto del lavoro in un contesto nazionale e internazionale.
Avendo acquisito una vasta esperienza lavorando come avvocato e consulente legale interno, Ralph è ugualmente apprezzato dai suoi clienti e colleghi per il suo approccio diligente ma orientato al business e alle soluzioni, nonché per il suo carattere affabile.
Ralph Imoberdorf
Altenburger Ltd legal + tax
Seestrasse 39, 8700 Küsnacht-Zurich
- Dal 2025 Partner di Altenburger
- Dal 2022 Senior associate presso Altenburger
- 2019-2021 Senior Corporate Legal Counsel presso TX Group AG (ex Tamedia AG)
- 2016-2019 Senior associate presso Blum & Grob Attorneys at Law Ltd
- 2013-2015 Associate presso Walder Wyss Ltd
- 2010-2011 Assistente legale junior presso il tribunale distrettuale di Zurigo
- 2008-2010 Tirocinante legale presso Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd
- 2016 Master of Laws (LL.M.), Università della California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
- 2013 Iscrizione all'albo degli avvocati
- 2009 MLaw con predicato "magna cum laude", Università di Berna
Presso tutti i tribunali svizzeri
"Altenburger Attorneys at law actively supported us in the acquisition of Chemie AG with the legal due diligence, the share purchase agreement and the shareholders' agreement. The very professional preparation of all documents as well as the advice and support during the actual acquisition process contributed significantly to this successful transaction. We have come to appreciate Ralph Imoberdorf with his helpful and competent manner as our contact at Altenburger"
"Altenburger Attorneys at law actively supported us in the acquisition of Chemie AG with the legal due diligence, the share purchase agreement and the shareholders' agreement. The very professional preparation of all documents as well as the advice and support during the actual acquisition process contributed significantly to this successful transaction. We have come to appreciate Ralph Imoberdorf with his helpful and competent manner as our contact at Altenburger"
"Thierry Thormann and Ralph Imoberdorf have the economic understanding and entrepreneurial mindset to ensure a sound legal structuring of a start-up within the framework of an optimal benefit-cost ratio. With their support, we have been able to close two rounds of financing cost-effectively and on advantageous terms."
"Thierry Thormann and Ralph Imoberdorf have the economic understanding and entrepreneurial mindset to ensure a sound legal structuring of a start-up within the framework of an optimal benefit-cost ratio. With their support, we have been able to close two rounds of financing cost-effectively and on advantageous terms."